
Cybersecurity for Automotive Suppliers

There are two questions we constantly get from suppliers of automotive components and embedded systems:

How can my management team be sure that our hardware or software has substantial protection against cyberattacks?

Can I ensure wide use and safe operation in today’s changing world of vehicles without breaking the bank?

The answer you would like to get

Get the answers by choosing solutions that can ensure your products have been vetted by some of the best experts in the cybersecurity industry.


The challenge - new regulations

As the market shifts towards software and electronic components, to stay competitive, Tier 1, 2, and 3 Suppliers should be certain that their products have the proper HW/SW cybersecurity certifications.

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Automotive Cyber Compliance

The most effective way to comply with cyber regulations. Leverage the EU-based center of expertise to lower your costs by receiving our consultancy and achieving your goals quickly. Or allow us to train your own employees to ensure longstanding compliance with standards and regulations.


The challenge - cybersecurity expert drought

Components are more vulnerable than you may think. Today cybercriminal tools are so inexpensive that suppliers see dramatic growth in security events, but the shortage of cybersecurity professionals available is getting worse.

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Systems Penetration Test

Benefit from new methods of security testing unlike anyone else Dive deep into the systems with penetration tests to assemble an expansive view of their cybersecurity properties. Use the latest cyber industry methods to try to compromise them.


The challenge - year-round testing

Security assessment of applications for a component does not end when test results reach your desk. Criminals develop new ways to hack your systems every day. Most multi-focus security vendors can't advise best development practices and discover, and also effectively respond to, these emerging threats. It's crucial to adopt a proactive and adaptive security strategy that evolves with the threat landscape.

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Application Security Assessment

Confidently secure apps you develop for the connected vehicle industry. Mitigate the risks for your reputation and eliminate delays with release dates with our 360-degree security assessment of the front- and back-end of apps, guaranteeing a secure-by-design approach.